Liberated Leader

A 6-month private healing and coaching experience for social justice leaders ready to deepen self-awareness, practice radical self-care, and embody self-love so they can confidently THRIVE in their career at a sustainable pace.

This is for the high-achieving woman ready to…

  • Release the rush, unravel the grips of grind culture, and move at a sustainable pace that allows space to do more of what you really love and rest without guilt 

  • Set down the superwoman cape and honor your sacred no so you can feel spacious and supported instead of overextending out of guilt and expectation (which means showing up with greater authenticity and presence for your purpose!) 

  • Shed what’s been keeping you small so you can feel safe to take up space, SHINE, and be seen as an industry leader

  • Feel your feelings and learn to respond instead of react so you can cultivate deep and meaningful connections, collaborations, and community

Embody the freedom you’re fighting for

Audre Lorde said, “the masters tools will never dismantle the masters house.”

It’s true, when you push from exhaustion, martyrdom, and burnout, you are embodying the antithesis of the liberation you seek to create.

If you’re committed to a world rooted in love, peace, and justice, it’s time to stop buying into the struggle born out of systems of oppression designed to keep us disconnected.

I know that sometimes you question if it’s ethical for you to make space for yourself when so many others are suffering, and I want you to remember how much more present, inspired, and expansive you feel when you nourish yourself with what brings you joy.

THAT is the energy this world needs more of.

The version of you that’s fully alive to your power and embodying your unique magic.

These are the tools that will dismantle the masters house and usher in the liberation we’re fighting for.

The powerful women I work with are committed to culture change.

They are an embodiment of what’s possible when you practice radical self-care and self-love as an act of resistance to systems that want us to suffer.

These women show their team that you can do really meaningful work AND enjoy your life.

They’re an example to other movement leaders how important self-care is for sustainable activism which supports the success of your mission.

They show other young women that life gets to be juicy, pleasurable, and fulfilling - and that we’re here for more than just serving others.

Does this sound like you? Or who you’re devoted to becoming? If so, you’re my soulmate client 💫

You’re here to support the collective good and do everything in your power to ensure future generations have a place to thrive. 

You didn’t come here to grind and hustle, stretching yourself thin, shrinking yourself to fit into spaces that aren’t meant for you, and feeling dissatisfied.

The more deeply devoted you are to yourself, the more passionate and powerful you can show up for everyone and everything else in your life– resulting in deeper connection in your relationships, greater fulfillment in your work, and a harmonious balance that feels sustainable, easeful, and JOYFUL. 

"I was able to break down and embrace vulnerability, which allowed me to emerge from a fog of anxiety and get clear on who I am and what I’m here to do. I feel confident about living in my power and am well equipped with tools to help sustain my inner peace." 

- Vanessa Poston

In this Program You Will

Practice Radical Self-Care

  • Expand your capacity to say no and ask for support so you can enjoy more spaciousness to do what you love and spend time with your family 

  • Cultivate daily embodiment practices that nourish your body, mind, and spirit and keep you centered through the ebbs and flows of life and leadership 

  • Practice emotional alchemy through breathwork so that you can show up present, empowered, and sustained for your sacred service

Deepen Self-Awareness

  • Free yourself of the lies and limitations from past programming so you can come home to who you truly are and realize your full potential

  • Learn to listen to your body and honor your capacity so that you can cultivate a sustainable pace and workflow

  • Feel clear about the unique value and brilliance you bring to the world as a leader and change maker

Embody Self-Love

  • Release shame, cultivate compassion, and learn to love all parts of yourself 

  • Give up the pressure to prove yourself and realize that you are whole, worthy, and divine just as you are

  • Have the courage and confidence to show up and SHINE as your true self in your career, your life, and your relationships

After this experience you will have…

An unshakeable connection to your divinity, and practices to keep you centered even when things are challenging.

A deep sense of clarity, passion, and fulfillment in your sacred service that has people lining up eager to collaborate with you.

An easeful and sustainable workflow that allows you to get shit done when you need to and rest and play when you want to.

This is perfect for you if…

  • You’re already clear about your purpose and doing work that you’re passionate about, but you could use support welcoming more ease and joy to your life

  • You have a high level of self-awareness and have already done some inner work like therapy, but are seeking a somatic and spiritual approach to go deeper

  • You take radical responsibility for how your life is going and are ready to take action and cultivate the life you desire 

  • You know the value of investing in yourself and trust how expansive life is when you’re supported 

  • You see personal transformation and inner healing as an integral part of collective liberation 

  • You’re a little witchy (or a lot), feel drawn to breathwork and embodiment, and are excited about the opportunity to magnify your feminine wisdom and radiance

“I reached out to Brialle as my life turned to chaos, as I had experienced multiple traumas, one followed by another. I felt completely out of control in my life. Yet, I knew that amongst all of these life events, there was a greater force at work, that there was something I needed to learn from it all. Through Brialle‘s mentorship and guidance I was able to find that clarity and relief. In one of our breathwork sessions, I was able to unlock the emotion of anger, which is something I had so deeply suppressed. I now find myself feeling free and able to scream and shout, to play and encourage others to open their throat chakra, to unleash the power of their voice.

Brialle is truly amazing because she sees the people that she works with. Brialle provided me with the support and power that I needed, in a time when I wasn’t feeling empowered in myself. She helped me realize my dreams don’t need to be dreams any longer, and gave me the tools to manifest them into my reality, by creating achievable steps and actions, to reach my goals.

I am so grateful for the work Brialle does, her mentorship and guidance, her endless authenticity, power, love and kindness, it radiates through her and those around her.” - Talya

What’s included

  • We meet biweekly for one hour via zoom 

  • Voicenote and text support between calls Monday-Friday using Voxer

  • Custom breathwork and embodiment journeys 

  • Access to all of my programs including Sustainable Sacred Service and anything else I offer while we’re working together

  • Resource library of trainings, journal prompts, breathwork, yoga, and more

Are you ready to embody the clear, confident, liberated leader within?

Hi my love!

My name is Brialle Ringer. I’m a breathwork alchemist, vegan fairy goddess, and embodied leadership coach on a mission to support change makers lead with greater ease, joy, and passion.

I didn’t grow up surrounded by women who were purpose-driven, healthy, and financially abundant– so I decided to become one and be an embodiment of what’s possible for other women that desire juicy, fun, and fulfilling lives.

I take a holistic approach to support you gettin’ free, drawing from my degree in Social Work, certifications in Yoga, Integrative Energy Healing, and Plant Based Nutrition, as well as my experience supporting BIPOC animal advocates with community building and leadership development as the Director of The Global Majority Caucus at APEX Advocacy. 

Being guided by me, you can expect to gently open to your inner wisdom, reclaim your deepest dreams and desires to help free us all, dive deep into the shadows to release repressed emotions and years of pain held in the body… and moments later be twerking to reclaim joy and sovereignty.

If that sounds like your vibe, let’s connect!



$6,000 paid in full

or 6 payments of $1,000

$9k with a weekend retreat

or 6 payments of $1,500

Client Results

From feeling burdened as a leader to experiencing a “midlife expansion,” feeling deep self-love, activating her inner healer, and channeling her purpose with clarity and confidence. 

When Leah first began working with me privately, she was feeling burdened in her leadership as the CEO of a major animal rights organization and was trying to find a way to stay engaged, feel sustained, and be at peace with her work. 

Her intention working together was to increase her capacity to feel and process emotions in a safe container where she could be fully expressed and welcome her authenticity to shine in all areas of life, especially at work. She also desired to cultivate a sense of gratitude, spaciousness, and peace that was easily accessible throughout her day navigating the stress of leadership.

Before working together, she would roll her eyes at the idea of self-care, but overtime, she began to unravel the story that “self-care is selfish” that she was socialized to believe as a woman in a patriarchal and capitalist society under constant pressure to do more. As time went on, she got to experience the impact of making space for herself, realizing that she was able to be more present, available, and responsive for her team and her family, giving from a place of genuine desire and capacity rather than guilt and expectation.  

Leah began to release the need to do it all and started to honor her sacred no. As a result, she led one of the best board meetings to date, spoke up about needing support, was heard and understood, and is now in the process of bringing on another team member. This helped her realize that she was creating unnecessary stress for herself pretending like she could be superwoman.

When she finally took off the cape and authentically acknowledged her capacity, she discovered she was more supported than she thought! No one actually expected her to figure it all out on her own, that was her story… which means she held the power to change and create a new narrative. Reclaiming her power, she decided she doesn’t have to choose between service and enjoyment, and each sacred no created space for her full body YES. 

Now she REALLY gets that the more you care for yourself, the more you can care for others and embody your higher purpose. So much so that we’re actually in the process of proposing to speak about the topic at an animal advocacy conference in the spring to share the importance of this message in the movement and empower other leaders to love themselves for longevity, passion, and authenticity in their activism.

I can see the ripple effects of Leah's investment in herself so clearly. The new relationship she has with herself has transformed her relationship to others – even her husband commented on how centered she was while navigating an unexpected change that would have previously sent her spiraling. Her organization now has the leadership of someone who is truly excited to be there, resulting in greater presence with colleagues who feel seen and heard. And as the CEO of one of the largest animal rights organizations in the world, this has a massive impact on the movement. 

Just imagine what we could accomplish for collective liberation if our leaders were all feeling this connected to their truth, embodying radical self-care and sacred boundaries for sustainable advocacy – we would be unstoppable! This is my purpose and commitment, to empower change makers to lead with greater ease and joy so that we can co-create the world we feel proud to pass on to the next generation (while also having a lot of fun along the way!). 

If you’re ready to confidently THRIVE in your life and career at a sustainable pace by practicing radical self-care and embodying self-love…

Join Liberated Leader!